Jesus! The world is ending!

6 June, 2024

Well. The world ends Sunday, June 9, 2024, and I only just now found out about it.

A while back, I wrote Some thoughts about Saudi Arabia . I said that “back in the 50s, the USA purchased all the oil in Saudi Arabia”.

Welp, it turns out that:

  • It wasn’t in the 50’s, it was June 9, 1974; and
  • the agreement was for 50 years

And now I know why this hasn’t been more of a thing, why SA hasn’t been trying to slip the leash, why kerfuffle between the USA and OPEC hasn’t been in the news as US military and industrial power wanes. They were willing to wait a year or two, because the leash will slip itself this Sunday.

The Prince of Saudia Arabia has stated that this coming Monday, he will no longer accept USD for oil. Oil will be one gram of gold per barrel.

It’s not possible to overstate what an astounding disaster this is. Empires, you know, usually collapse the same way: slowly, then all at once. There’s articles out there on the web, once you know to search for.

You can’t keep losing wars and stay in charge. People criticize Biden for messing up the withdrawal in Afghanistan. Biden didn’t mess up: this is what it usually looks like when you lose. The Afghanis drove the invader out of their lands as they have driven out every other invader. When you flee in defeat, you don’t get to choose terms.


Expect the US dollar to slip into hyperinflation. Expect the US debt-exporting industries to collapse: banks, insurers. Expect bloody chaos on the streets. Expect them to blame it all on Trump (the next president). Expect the USA to go back to making its way in the world by exporting agricultural produce. Heck – expect the USA to finally break up into a few smaller nations, perhaps remaining federated in name only.

Expect to never get our goddamn submarines.

In the end, endless wealth was bad for the USA. It lived on the produce of other nation’s output, purchased with oil that was purchased with military force. They forgot how to manufacture and let the machines rust in the fields and back lots. Dear God there will be unimaginable chaos when people can no longer buy cheap plastic crap from China because their money is no damn good anymore. It will be two full generations – 80 years – before the USA relearns how to value hard work and facility with mathematics.

Maybe they’ll eat the rich.

The rich will flee to Asia, but the CCP aren’t letting them in. So they’ll go to the surrounding nations in SE Asia. Maybe India. Australia? Well, we still got iron ore. Maybe we should require gold for it – one gram a ton or something.

It’s the End of Days, peoples. It’s coming this Sunday. If the Prince Saud intentionally left it to the last moment to make the announcement in order to shock the Great Satan into collapse: well played.

A possibility, I suppose, would be a naked war of conquest via Israel to get the oil. But a whole lot of people and nations are just sick and tired of these people, sick and tired of the endless bloodthirst. No-one can miss that the USA is the only reason the world has not been at peace for – well – all of my lifetime.

Expect the USA to finally, finally go metric.

Expect everyone to wail about not having bought bitcoin.